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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Too long

Hello fellow survivors:

I'm back. Almost one year since I started the ZLC and I regret only that I haven't been able to keep up with the demand. I am currently without a computer of my own but will still post when and what I can in the hopes the world will continue to learn about this threat that we all must face together.

After the fall we will all have to learn to get by without computers, iPhones, GPS, the little technologies we've grown so comfortable with in North America. To this end I suggest to anyone to try going a week without just to see if you can. Find other ways to communicate and get things done. Trips to other countries can also show how these devices are not as essential as we believe them to be.

In my experience I've found technology to be more stressful than helpful and yet it always seems so important to use it over something else. Here are a few ways to relieve stress without using an app:
Blow bubbles
Go bowling
Have some quite time
Read a book
Have a cup of hot tea
Take some time to make a good meal
Visit a library
Write a letter
Join an activity group
Window shop
Play with a pet
Go to the park
Have a nap
Plan your dream vacation
Sit under a shady tree
Watch a sunrise or sunset
Do some deep breathing exercises
Have a long bath or shower
Listen to the sounds around you
Prioritize your activities or goals
Play an instrument
Sing or whistle
Clean out a closet
Work on a puzzle
Do creative writing
Draw or paint
Take a walk
Pick flowers
Ride a bike
Weed your garden
Catch-up with family or a friend
Begin a new project or hobby
Use visual imagery
Lie down and cloud watch
Give of yourself
Reflect on your blessings
Enjoy the weather
Attend a concert or large social event
Listen to music
Play a board or card game
Tear up an old newspaper
Go roller-blading
Laugh at nothing
Go swimming
Reflect on your spirituality
Light some candles
Finish a task or goal
Reach out to someone

Obviously some of these will be harder to do or find after the fall but not impossible and knowing how to relax now will help the true survivor deal with stress later.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

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