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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Space Zombies part 1

Every mythology seems to have a version of zombies. Often causes this is simply zombies, nothing hidden or changed about it but what has always interested me is how futuristic settings always seem to have zombies of one sort or another. I would like to talk about two types of zombie.

The first is set in a dark universe 38,000 years in our future. Mankind has conquered the galaxy, more or less. Other races still wage war on man and the hellish alternate universe exists, constantly trying to destroy our own. Also a strange new race has appeared, a race that travels from galaxy to galaxy consuming all there is to consume, adding everything to it's own massive army and moving on. This is the world of Warhammer 40,000.

The last race I mentioned is the one I want to talk about. Already it sounds a little zombish; a race that literally takes every bio-organic life and substance on a planet and converts it into goo which it uses to create it's own mindless (or rather, Hive-minded) army. There is one particular type of creature in this strange army that works slightly differently, Genestealers. There are two myths about where the name comes from, the first is that these dangerous monsters have ended many family lines and possibly entire races own their own, thus steal the genes from the universe. But while they have done these things the name comes from something else entirely.

Genestealers are humanoids, barely. With two legs, a torso, a head and six arms. Each arms ends in three twelve inch long claws that can rip through the most powerful in the galaxy. The body of the genestealer is covered in a hard carapace that requires significant force to penetrate and has mutated to have 0% body fat. The legs in particular have enhanced muscles to make these creatures move at incredible speeds, faster then most vehicles in fact. The head has also mutated to allow for a massive tongue and dozens of teeth just as sharp as the claws. The head has also formed a massive shell as it grows larger and in this shell is the brain but also a virus, the virus is transferred by the tongue to the claws and teeth making even the slightest scratch a dead sentence and worse.

I mentioned a couple times that these attributes of the genestealers are mutations. This is because the virus which kills a genestealers victim, also mutates and reanimates the body. As soon as the victim dies the virus starts changing the DNA of the human. Literally stealing genes and replacing them to create an entirely new creature. Once the transformation is almost complete the body is brought back to live and the muscles finish growing and forming while the genestealer starts looking for it's first victim. Genestealers have also been suggested to not be part of the Hive-mind, they are supposedly just killing machines with the sole purpose of the continued spread of the virus inside them.

All of this really sounds like a creature we already have here on earth. So are genestealers in fact space zombies? Well we can take a look at the things that make a zombie and compare.

Cause: Virus
Undead: Yes
Body: Humanoid (mutated)
Freewill: No
Infectious: Yes, via bite and scratch.
Fear: No

Well fellow survivors I have to say I am glad to be alive today and not in the year 40,000AD, because these creatures are in fact futuristic space zombies. They match up to being a zombie better then zombies from most zombie films or books do.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach space, and the Space Marines have the firepower to do what is needed should we all be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Stay fit, stay alive

Health is extremely important to the true survivor. To that end I put together some tips to help everyone in this goal that will not only get you more prepared but get you more out of life before the fall.

Here are some general tips:
Make time - Set aside the time, no matter how long or short. Make sure that 9:30-11:30 each day in my case or whatever you choose and can fit into your schedule is set and you treat it like an appointment that you won't miss.
Set goals - Set realistic goals for yourself. Examples could be losing a certain amount of body fat by a certain date. Mine is to loose 4% by the end of May (almost only one day left!) Or by a number of pounds, like losing 5lbs this week. Or even gaining weight, gaining 10lbs of muscle by the end of the month. Note that each of these goals has an end date. A date at which you see if you've achieved your goal and set a new one.
Get support - Having a strong support group is make or break for many people. Start hanging out with and talking to people who are encouraging of your fitness goals. People who already have body's you strive toward and who have the same or more knowledge in the area then you have. If they do have the same amount of knowledge make sure it is a person who is looking to find more knowledge like you are. If you have no friends like this and aren't good at meeting new people try a personal trainer. The benefits of a trainer are countless.
Inventory - Take stoke of what is in your house. You don't have to throw everything away but once you've eaten any unhealthy food DO NOT replace it. Never buy unhealthy food again. I'll mention it again later but if it has more then one ingredient, it is probably junk food.
Fitness test - Take a fitness test. Most gyms will do this with you for free as a trial session. Get a rough idea of where you are at physically and then do another one in three months and see how you've changed. If you've met those goals and improved or if you are on a downward spiral.
Health journal - Keeping a health journal is a great way many people keep track of how they are doing. This can be as simple or as complicated as you like. Believe it or not my journal is so simple it almost doesn't exist. But keeping track of results and how you got those results is very important. For me, once a week, at the same time each week (the morning of my cheat day) I measure my chest, waist, hips, arms, thighs, calves and take my weight, body fat percentage and water percentage. And I write those down. That is all I do for my journal, sometimes I will note if I took an extra cheat day that week or if I tried having an egg heavy week or something like that to see if it made any large difference. But your journal could be more in depth, including meal plans, what you ate each day, calorie break-downs and even how you feel about achieving certain goals or about eating an extra dessert.
Eat breakfast - This is the most important meal of the day. Your parents probably can't tell you why but I can. It's because your metabolism works the best in the morning just after you've woke up and slows down during the course of the day. This means in the morning your body uses most of the nutrients, protein and calories put into it instead of storing them as fat. So your biggest meal should be breakfast and smaller meals as the day goes on.
Eat protein every three hours - Any health specialist worth their weight will tell you to eat every three hours. Eat small meals instead of big ones. Again this keeps you metabolism going longer instead of sitting dormant. But what most people might not mention is to make sure each of those small meals has some protein in it. This protein makes sure that it's your muscles getting those nutrients and the calories get turned directly into energy and not just floating around your system.
Get 30 minutes of exercise a day minimum - This is sort of a general tip. I suggest more then this especially to people already at a decent fitness level. But everyone should be getting at least 30 minutes a day that pumps your heart rate up. This will keep your heart strong, your muscles in use and burn off a least some of those calories. I try to get 2 hours in every day, it doesn't always happen but it's one of my goals.
Veggies! - Eat as many veggies as you can. Veggies are the water of solids. You virtually cannot eat too many. And veggies will give you nutrients as well and stave off hunger.i
No sugar - This one is so obvious but so few people do it. Cutting sugars out of your diet will instantly make you feel better. I trained a man who literally lost over 100lbs just by cutting out pop and chips for six months. He did the same amount of exercise and ate the same amount of calories each day but just by getting rid of those two sugar sources he went from 330lbs to 224lbs! And he has kept going from there and feels better then ever.
More fruit - Fruit is a source of sugar so some people believe it is possible to go over board, while overs swear it is impossible. But there are two facts that are completely true, most of us do not eat enough fruit. And fruit will fill you up and in a healthy way. You can easily drink five juice boxes and still want more food, but try eating five apples and see if you are still hungry.
No calorie drinks, only tea and water - Even juice is bad for you, with only a small percent of the nutrient and none of the fiber of actual fruit (plus added chemical sweeteners or sugar) it's not nearly as healthy a choice as people believe. I know most people can't get away from their coffee addiction either but consider these points: caffeine IS NOT energy, calories are energy. Caffeine is a drug that tricks the mind into thinking it is more aware, when in fact it actually does not even raise awareness. Also good coffee will be harder to come by after the fall, easier to get rid of the addiction now while it is a choice.
Swap out habits - We all know the bad habits we have. But it is very hard to break bad habits cold turkey. Instead try to switch a bad habit for a good one, for instance whenever I got hungry out of boredom I would do crunches no matter where I was. This is a great thing for health but also in other aspects of life, when I feel the urge to crack my knuckles I go and brush my teeth instead. Eventually your body gets retrained so I no longer got hungry when I was bored, instead I felt the urge to do crunches.
One ingredient foods - A rule I try to stick to (especially during times when I am getting ready to do a show or in general want to be in top fitness level) is to only eat foods with one ingredient. If it has a list of ingredients I don't eat it simple as that. Our bodies were not designed with multi-ingredient foods in mind. The entire body works best when it is fed the simple things found in nature that it knows how to use.
No grains - Kind of playing off the last tip, the human body doesn't do well with grains. Bread, cereal, even many of the "healthy" brands of those are not good for our bodies. Most people are actually slightly allergic to grains and don't even know it. Try cutting 100% of grains out of your diet for a week and see how you feel at the end. This can be really hard because grains are in almost everything that is processed and sold in stores. I only eat grains on cheat days or if I'm trying to build muscle.

A lot of people also have issues because of time. Time is no excuse, if you want to be fit and healthy you will make the time. Get of the couch and go for a run. Or do butt squeezes on the bus to work or school, it's something small but it is at least doing something. Try these simple steps to help turn your workplace into a healthier environment:

  • Walk. Just move around. Walk to the printer every time instead of letting it build up. Walk up the stairs. Walk around the building on your breaks. Walk to a co-workers desk instead of calling them.
  • Stock the office fridge with fruits and veggies. Or bring your own mini-fridge if you are allowed.
  • Bring healthy lunches instead of eating out (this will also save you money.)
  • Keep some light weights in your desk drawer. Use them on your breaks.
  • Try an exercise ball instead of a chair if you work in an office (just tell your boss you need it for your back, any doctor will gladly give you a note to this end as well to help increase your fitness level.)
  • Plant a few motivational post-its around your desk to help remind you of your goals and boost positive thinking.

Now onto some more general tips that aren't coming from me but have been gathered from personal trainers:

• Never eat fast food again.
• Never order food from a phone or online again.
• Choose one junk food you will only eat once a week.
• Eat a big breakfast.
• Avoid anything from a package, if you didn’t make it don’t eat it.
• Limit or better yet avoid food products that have “natural or artificial flavoring”
• Avoid all processed foods. Stick to the outside edges of the store when shopping.
• In cereals look for at least 7gms of fiber per serving and make sure sugar is not one of the first four ingredients.
• Read food labels, if you cannot pronounce the ingredients don’t buy it. If there are dozens of listed ingredients chances are that food product is not healthy for you.
• In protein bars look for the fiber to carb count. Make sure there is at least 25% as much fiber as carbs. Also look for at least 25grams of protein, 32+ is ideal.
• Treat food as a fuel source for your body. Your body is not a garbage can. If you can't imagine the food helping your body, don't eat it.
• Water should be your main liquid, tea and coffee without sugar or cream is allowed.
• If you can buy organic, do it. You minimize toxins and chemicals your liver has to filter out. This puts less stress on your organs and hormonal system.
• When buying meat, organic free range is the best choice. Most of our meats are factory farmed. The animals are treated poorly, stand in their own feces, are injected with growth hormones and fed chemically altered, left over grain products.
• Buy a healthy cookbook. Learn how to prepare the food in a low calorie way that is tasty to you. Having a few easy to make recipes is vital to consistency in my plan. The Heart and Stroke Foundation has great recipes on their web site.

The CBC is currently running a program to help raise health awareness in Canadians but the knowledge is good anywhere.
One of the greatest health advice and personal trainers out there also has a blog and newsletter that are absolutely free. He also has a book that explains the simple truths about health and having a body that is a lean-mean-zombie killing machine.

Stay fit, may laziness never hold you back, and you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


This could be a post about the lesson of never blowing something off based on appearances.

Imagine this: a hobby shop, there are comics and manga and board games and action figures and character busts. Enter me. Looking for zombie books or board games. Looking through the board games I see a big box with the title Zombiegeddon. Looks lame. $25 (it's cheap) probably lame. I get something else. Repeat this scene a couple of times over a few weeks. Finally the scene changes, the game is now $10 and I have bought almost everything else is the store zombie related. So I buy the game.

In a new scene we see my home. My shelves of zombie games, books, films, weapons, survival guides etc. I am having some friends over, I go to the shelf and look at my pile of board games. I see Zombiegeddon, I shake my head and pick something else. Finally the scene changes, someone else goes to the pile and picks out Zombiegeddon. So the game finally makes it's way into my experiences and I wish I had not waited so long.

First off it's an entertaining, QUICK game. In a world of three hour complex games which might as well be RPGs and weekend long RISK tournaments, a nice 45-minute board game is a rare find.

Now I will get into the training that can be taken out of this game. The biggest thing of note is without weapons you basically have to let enemies walk all over you. Now obviously in real life this is not completely the case but if you are not a trained, experienced fighter when raiders or even aggressive looters come to take things from you and you are unarmed there isn't much you can do. So either train up or make sure you aren't without the proper gear. It can also be noted that there are a lot of barricades and this, while annoying, makes complete sense. Everyone who isn't dead is going to be putting up barricades every where they sleep. That means every night there will be almost as many new barricades as there are people living. Meaning after a while many areas will be literally covered in barricades to try to navigate through.

The main point of the game is to gather supplies which is also a very important lesson to be instilled in any survivor. Gathering supplies has become the goal of life and without food and water, you're "kill count" won't mean any more your empty canteen. The best way to win the game is actually not to focus on gathering supplies yourself but on cutting other people off from doing so. This reflects real life in how raiders, looters and even survivors will have to contend for supplies and be prepared that as things get worse that fight will become more and more brutal.

And I suppose I should talk a little about the strategy of the game. The first half of the game talks place after the zombies but before the nuclear bombs get dropped. The main thing here, get your supplies into the barricades while collecting new supplies and provisions. Having weapons and kills is the quickest way to get big points but the provisions multiply in the end so they are worth more. After the bombs drop the zombies aren't gone! They just mutated! So there are more enemies and less weapons but the main goal is still to get supplies, or more specifically to stop your fellow players from getting supplies. Try to cut off their markers while they are focusing on other areas and narrowing the options they have. Remember though, it's just a game, don't ruin any friendships over it.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Zombies in film: The Crazies

"Fear thy neighbor."

Film: The Crazies
Directed by Breck Eisner
Written by Scott Kosar and Ray Wright
Produced by Overture Films, Participant Media and Imagenation Abu Dhabi FZ
Year: 2010
Story: Town sheriff, Dave, shoots the town drunk after he pulls out a shotgun during a high school baseball game. Suddenly people start to go crazy all over and kill one another, all hell really breaks loose once the military shows up and starts quarantining everyone. In the chaos, Dave's wife gets taken away for further observation while Dave is led away with the uninfected. In the chaos he manages to get back to her and a small group begin to try to escape the insanity. As the group is whittled away the truth is slowly revealed about bio-weapon that caused the whole event. Finally the military prove their relentless pursuit of mankind's safety in the final scene of the film.
Zombies: Sorry to all the people who told me to watch this film. These are not zombies. Zombies are most often undead. But even getting around that; zombies cannot speak, think, fight, shoot guns, lay traps or make any decisions. These people are more likely fallen pray to something removing their emotional controls, making them prone to obeying their impulses and desires. They also probably have increased hormone and anger-inducing chemicals which puts them into a rage and leads them to murder. Whatever reason, these are not in anyway zombies besides the fact the are led by a virus to kill. The film itself makes no claims to be a zombie film or that the infected are in anyway undead (as many zombie films don't.) I almost want to start a category of "not zombie" movies.
Survival Lessons:
  • If the whole town blame you for shooting someone who points a gun at you, something is wrong.
  • Kill the psychos now so you don't have to deal with them later.
  • Having someone to fight for isn't always a bad thing.
  • Marry a bad ass.
  • The military will go to any lengths to contain the infection.
  • Grunt soldiers know nothing as they will be expendable and expected to be ruthless.
  • Car washes are scary places.
  • Warned you about those psychos...

Warnings: Below are spoilers.

In the end I enjoyed this movie about as much as I thought I would before people told me it was a zombie movie. I'm pretty good at picking out zombie movies, even from vague trailers or references and I didn't think this was from the start. But once told it was I decided to check it out with a whole different mindset. There are some similar elements and over all it was an enjoyable movie, but not a zombie movie. More then anything though it made me want to see the original by Romero to see if that one was a zombie movie or was similar to this one. This film did not seem to have much of Romero's style to it, too much of a "happy ending" feel to the whole thing.

This will be the first time I really go on about a movie like this but I would like to point out how the heroes of this film are not the sheriff and his wife. The heroes are actually the relentless military. If the military was not to brutal and efficient in it's moves to quickly shut down the infection it would spread across the whole globe very quickly. We can only hope that the military of the real world moves so quickly to contain any threats like this and keep them to a class 3 outbreak or smaller. This movie is one example of many where the bad guys are actually the good guys and the heroes are simply people who managed to survive and gain empathy. Now Dave and Judi as it turns out were not infected. I also disagree with the way the military handled the uninfected at the truck stop. Disagree is even fairly light terms, but on the flip side would I rather the smallest chance the infection get out? Perhaps more tests, bigger surveillance centres, quarantine camps: there are many other ways to deal with the situation then to simply kill everyone who might have come in contact with the virus. Then of course, the nuclear explosion which of course all writer's like to throw in as the military's last resort. At that point have they gone too far over the top? Maybe, perhaps teams of specialists could have swept the area. Or just tried to keep the area locked down until the infection died off. But if the team got infected, or if some nosey kid slipped through the lock down, or a local bad ass sheriff and his wife turn out to not be infected but carriers of the virus? Sometimes as the situation may merit, extremes must be taken for the safety of us all.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Friday, May 27, 2011

1,000 survivors!

Well survivors I hadn't planned much for this humble blog. My hopes are to simply help people sort through the mess of zombie misinformation out there. Now after only a few short months we have reached over 1,000 readers per month.

I've been harsh in my mission, specific in my use of outbreaks and definitions, real in my search of truths and causes, but have been proud to not stray from where I began.

I am very glad to be reaching so many and the e-mails I receive are very encouraging. I also encourage people to post comments as well. And to continue to spread the word, the site will only grow from here. The night is long and cold; but the true survivor does not simply wait it out untl the break of day. The survivor I know you can all be, is the survivor who learns to live and thrive in that night.

Let the dead come. We will be ready.  For what we learn can be passed on to others, just as I to here, at the ZLC.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A resource page is a zombie site of some worth to the beginner survivor. It is a site which more or less directs the reader to more information while providing the basics itself. As such the most useful page on this site is the Zombie Network. A page which gives a long list of other resources, all broken down by category. You have fan sites, communities, survival groups and general horror sites.

Another interesting thing about this website (though at all the only one that does this) is the community element. The blog portion is submitted by readers. This leads to a lot of good discoveries but can also have a lot of mixed or bad information included. Forums tend to give a better community opinion because it is easier to remember this is one person's view point and ideas, not a general authority on the matter.

There is also a shop very similar to the one here. In which you can find zombie related clothes, books etc.

ZombieHub also presents an area for readers to post their own reviews of books or movies as well as very good (i.e. relatively complete) lists of books, movies and video games which focus around zombies.

The site provides a break down of zombie types and categories that can more of less be skipped over. The categories are poorly put together as they are too specific and yet don't actually define the type of zombie. The same goes for the size of hordes they present. It is much more specific (and widely accepted) to go by the Outbreak system.

So while the information about zombies on the site itself is general and little more then a quick read. I do recommend this site for the purpose of continuing to find other sites, communities and to look for films or books on the matter. Just keep an open, yet cautious, mind when reading the blog section.


Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Zombies in film: The Zombie Diaries

"Brace yourself... this time it's for real."

Film: The Zombie Diaries
Directed by Michael Bartlett and Kevin Gates
Written by Kevin Gates and Michael Bartlett
Produced by Off World Films and Bleeding Edge Films
Year: 2006
Story: Begins with a military unit moving in on a farm. Diary 1 is a documentary made by some British film makers leading up to the outbreak, from it's beginnings in Romania through a lot of technical exploration of the virus and government responses to London's quarantine. Diary 2 takes place one month after the outbreak and follows a few survivors on a supply run. Diary 3 is also one month later and starts with a group of survivors dealing with an attack and the cleaning afterward. Continues to trying to give directions to another group over the radio. Diary 2 picks up again with the group trying to make contact with another group (obviously those from Diary 3) and one of the characters gets bit, it all goes down hill for them from there and gets slightly more interesting. Diary 3 continues once one of their number is infected and shows how this group of more hardened survivors deals with it. Right up until the group is torn apart. Back to Diary 1 shows the first group a month earlier meeting up with a member from the Diary 3 group. The film ends with the military unit finding a member of Diary 1.
Zombies: How did anyone get infected by these zombies? They basically just stand around. The main cause of infection is that the virus began as air born and had the same symptoms as the common cold, plus death and re-animation.
Survival Lessons:
  • It might be the common cold, or it might be the virus
  • Living in countries with lack gun laws helps
  • Don't stand still
  • Don't walk around in recently dug graveyards
  • No matter how often you check there could still be more
  • Check if they are living before you shoot
  • Secrets tear groups apart
  • Psychos tear groups apart faster
  • Kill psychos early
  • Sometimes even the nicest people can be the worst kind
  • Do not trust quickly, do not show kindness
Warnings: Mature subject matter.

In the end I expected a little better special effects for the budget they had, cranberries for brain splatter just doesn't do it for me. And I know from experience there are many better ways to do blood then red paint. The best effect was a bitten hand which is shown for all of two and a half seconds. Also how hard is it to do an "American" accent? Actually, I wouldn't know but this British actor makes it look impossible. If it seems like I'm being harsh, I am. For a movie that advertises on it's cover that it is "better then 28 Days Later" it is basically a run of the mill low budget zombie film. The diary aspect is pretty cool and well done but nothing really good, like documenting anything really important. And the zombies in this film simply don't pose a threat, and I'm a fan of slow zombies. What the film does really well though is mix the three stories together and show the importance of who you trust and of being able to protect yourself from more then just the zombies.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Zombies in film: Dead Air

"All America's worst fears. Realized. At once."

Film: Dead Air
Directed by Corbin Bernsen
Written by Kenny Yakkel
Produced by Team Cherokee Productions and Antibody Films
Year: 2009
Story: A radio station is broadcasting has a zombie outbreak occurs around them. Through terrorist hijackings, crazy callers and zombie attacks the crew manage to stay on air and maybe even find a cure. The show ends with a couple hints that maybe things aren't all that they seem, these hints aren't strong enough to have any actual pull and just kind of damper out the end of an otherwise surprisingly solid story.
Zombies: Bleeding eyes and screaming rage are the only tell tale signs between these zombies and people. They feel pain and while resistant and tough will eventually fall like a normal human. The infection only lasts for twelve hours.
Survival Lessons:
  • Grab improvised weapons before you need them
  • Stick together
  • Don't trust anyone
  • Anti-viruses might not work
  • Just last out the night
  • Anything and everything doubles as a weapon
Warnings: There isn't really a deeper meaning.

In the end the zombies in this film were my biggest complaint but they didn't ruin it for me. The idea that the virus dies out after twelve hours makes this a terrifying weapon, because suddenly governments can use it without fear of the virus eventually making back to their soil. The ending was also very wishy-washy. It could have been a lot more direct and simple to hold with the strong ending of the actual plot (it's a side plot they just finish off to tie everything up.) Actually the whole end seemed a little rushed as if they didn't want to finish exploring the ideas that develuped through the rest of the film. Very creepy though and pretty well done, an excellent example of how to do a zombie movie without lots of gore and effects. 

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Zombies in film: Wasting Away

"Zombies are people too."

Film: Wasting Away
Directed by Mathew Kohnen
Written by Mathew Kohnen and Sean Kohnen
Produced by Wasted Pictures
Year: 2007
Story: A super soldier serum goes bad and turns the experiments into zombies. With the experiment failed the disgruntled scientist in charge sends the serum out into the world with the intent to dump it into the water system. An unwitting "black ops" soldier foils the plan and instead looses the serum on a small town. A few locals get infected and oddly enough romantic comedy ensues. The zombies believe everyone else is infected and they are in fact super soldiers! The group eventually discovers the truth and runs for their own survival as the military hunts them down.
Zombies: Well these zombies are smartish, super strong, and self aware...ish. They sometimes eat flesh but mostly just kill for their own purposes, which appear to be almost exclusively for self defence, but not completely exclusively. The film has two distinct styles, the zombies while seeing things from their point of view are for all intents and purposes, super strong, practically invincible humans. But when seen from the humans point of few are slow, moving, clumsy, flesh eating zombies.
Survival Lessons:
  • Don't eat food that looks green.
  • Always be drunk.
  • If you think you are a super soldier, you're probably a zombie.
  • Grenades are small nuclear bombs.
  • Look at a person to make sure she is alive before you kiss her.

Warnings: There's not a lot of training material to be found here.

In the end there was a very interesting film in the way it portrayed "real life" versus "zombie life" making the zombies appear to be more real then the black and white, 50's style of the humans. An entertaining movie that really makes fun of the genre not only with it's very premise but also in some of the well thought out lines and gags. Definitely worth watching if in need of some silly entertainment, not so much if looking for a true zombie horror film.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Scouts' motto

May 21 has come and gone and much has happened. With thousands dying every day, earthquakes, tsunamis, wars in half a dozen countries, we do not need the rapture to bring about the end of the world, it’s already well underway.

With that being said zombies are not a sign of the apocalypse, the idea of the "zombie apocalypse" is a romanticed form of a Class 4 outbreak. While this would spell the end of the world as we know it, it is not the apocalypse of Revelation. Smaller Class 1 and 2 outbreaks are what must be prepared for as they can happen at any time without warning. Which is why it is so important to be prepared and not wait on Patient Zero (a misunderstood title.)

Patient Zero is a term used by survivors for the first person to become a zombie. This is however is used a bit too loosely. Because the first recorded zombies were thousands of years ago, if Patient Zero is simply to refer to the first zombie then no living person knows who Patient Zero was. The term should more specifically refer to the one who is first infected in an outbreak. Patient Zero of course comes from the book by the same title.

So preparation is so important. Everyone talks about it so much, but what is it? Preparation is being ready for anything. Having the supplies, knowledge and training to not only survive but thrive in any situation. Having emergency supplies, firearms and hand-to-hand training, emergency plans, exit strategies, contact lists, technology and construction skills, mechanical skills are all important parts of being prepared. Scouts' motto. Another part of being prepared is awareness. Spreading awareness is a vitally important part of helping your loved ones be prepared.

Awareness can be spread through wearing a gray ribbon, telling friends, sharing tactics and websites. The Information Age is aptly named because we can learn anything we choose and thus it is only the lazy man who will not be prepared when the time comes to be tested and either survive an outbreak or add to it’s severity. Other ideas for spreading awareness include to blog about it, tweet about it, mail off letters of survival tips or lists of needed gear to loved ones.

Having a core group of people to discuss ideas, preparations and plans with is a great idea. Or join an online community, a lot of great ideas and experience can be gained from people in vastly different areas, backgrounds and skills sets then yourself and the people you have immediate access to.

Knowing your emergency services and resources could play a large part in getting ready for the future. Here are a few suggestions but be sure to come up with your own. Use these resources to their full potential for information before the fall, after the fall these organizations won't hold together long.

Red Cross
Kid's Health
Healthy Canadians

Information is out there waiting for survivors to go seeking it out.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Being taken seriously?

So it's May 21st and if you are reading this then you were not taken in the rapture. I'm sorry. Time to move on to more pressing matters. Like preparation.

That is what the Centre for Disease Control wants us all to do at least. The first thing to do is create a list of supplies in case of emergencies. The list provided by the CDC is a great one put together by professionals. But it could use improvement. There are a few things to add to it for survival in the most dire of cases, a zombie outbreak.

  • Pre-cut boards for windows and doorways. The quicker barricades can be up and running the more time can be spend on other areas.
  • Rifles and side-arms for each person.
  • Ammo (500 rounds minimum per firearm)
  • Hand-to-hand weapons for each person.
  • Tools for boarding up windows. Hammers, power drills, screws and nails.
  • Quick-cement. Can be used on weakened walls, barricades and to fill in windows on the first floor.
Creating the emergency plans mentioned are also very important. Having your family all know who to contact and where to go in any situation is vitally important. Children should know where to go and have a list of people to try to contact should their parents be turned or separated. The family should also have a meeting place should they have to abandon a safe house. A separation from physical possessions should be established and every thing categorized into weather it would be needed or not once the home is compromised.

The most important part of surviving is the first few days. In those first few days roughly 80% of the population will be lost and the only thing that will make a difference between being among those and the initial survivors will be preparation. The true survivors will need more to continue and things will get harder but in the beginning it will just be simple emergency prep. Many people approach me and say I will be the one they call on when after the fall. While this does make me feel good it also shows the unpreparedness of these people. Another survivor recently told me that he tells these people if they do come to his house they will meet the business end of a rifle. While this might be a little extreme imagine if all my "friends" who have said this at one point show up at my door. I am prepared to take care of my family and a few more people, not a hundred. As time progresses that could change but in the first few days it will just be about protecting my family. And it is each person's responsibility to do that for himself, that is the power of being prepared and the realness of it. If you have to rely on going to someone else "if" an emergency happens then you are not prepared and probably count yourself among that 80%.

Stay prepared, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Safe house on the sea

By now survivors you should have realized there are few things I would consider perfect, but this... this comes close.

With extra tugs it could potentially house as many people as required. I personally wouldn't want mine to get any larger then this though. Simply because you could already easily house four to eight families which is a great sized group. Big enough to survive, repopulate to some extend, protect themselves and make others thing twice about attacking.

However I did say it was close to perfect. There are a couple improvements to the design. Weapons storage on every boat, nothing major but a rifle locker with a few dozen rounds would suffice, just to make sure anyone caught on those rafts without a weapon for some reason aren't at a complete loss. A ground vehicle and emergency life-raft/small boat should be on every raft, this is for obvious reasons and there should be more then enough to allow everyone on the vessel save passage off. The ground vehicles should be of various kinds and what the crew is familiar with, motorcycles or dirt bikes if anyone knows how to drive them would be best for scouting and saving fuel, jeeps and 4X4 pick-ups would be best for gathering supplies and moving bigger groups around on the ground. I would also add more water reserves and mounted weapons. The water seems like an oxymoron because of sailing on the river but the river water may be contaminated and not easy to reach, to this end a system which gathers water from the river and purifies it while the engine is moving would be extremely useful.

Possibly the biggest thing to note is that this craft will be a target. Everyone will want it and raiders will do anything to take it or make sure at the very least no one else has it. This is why I suggest more mounted weapons, the more mounted weapons you have, the more people it suggests you have on board. Even if you only have twenty people on board, they would not expect every person to have a mounted weapon so having just the site of twenty mounted weapons will make you look like a much more powerful force. Partially because it will make you a more powerful force, in the rare case you face enemies on all sides having mounted weapons on all side to meet them is never a bad idea. Basically the moral of this is it is never a bad idea to have more weaponry on a large craft like this. It will protect you practically but more importantly it will make you look more powerful then you actually are which can be of huge benefit when dealing with raiders, authorities, or even other survivors. A couple things to note about mounted weapons, make sure the swivel but do not turn fully around, if any enemy reaches one you do not want your own gun to be able to fire back on the ship or the crew. Also don't be afraid to abandon the mounted gun for your sidearm or rifle. Some mounted guns, especially those with shields, can be used as cover as well. If the enemy has bored the ship (and your gun can't swivel onto the deck) keep close watch on your sides and back if you need to stay on the mounted gun to hold more attacks back. If you do not need to stay on the mounted weapon after being boarded, do not do so. It leaves you wide open to attack from behind while your attention is completely focused ahead. One last quick note is to fire in bursts, most video game players will think this has to do with the barrel over heating, in part it does yes. But more then that it has to do with your aim. Firing constantly will throw your aim off more then you would believe. Fire in quick bursts back and forth, left and right. Either mowing the enemy down in waves as you go back and forth, or concentrate on one side then the other side, left and right, back and forth to make the enemy funnel in front of you. In an ideal world you would have a second gunner with an assault rifle firing at the enemies being herded into the centre lane by the bigger gun. If the second shooter is not there this strategy still works as it discourages flanking and slowly you will be able to narrow the lane like a trap that closes the wall in on both sides to crush the attackers in the middle.

If anyone ever builds this or has tons of money they don't know what to do with, let me know. We will be good friends.
Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and Poseidon make your waters run smoothly, Mike D.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

If I had two million dollars

This starts off sounding like an add but stay with me.

KWK Promes is a company that builds homes. But not just any homes. KWK Promes focuses on building award winning homes, like their Safe House. Or lke their current project, the Hidden House. The Hidden House is exactly that, a house which from the drive way is invisible, think the outside entrance to the batcave. The front of the house/driveway is actually built into a hill which lifts up to allow access. The roof of the houseis then the grassy hill with another hidden stairway leading below to the actual building itself completely hidden underneath. Sort of.

This is where the beauty of the project over takes the praticality of a hidden house. From the back side of the house, where it opens up on to a garden and a beach, the whole house can be seen and is composed mostly of windows. The house is perfectly hidden from the highway but any searching at all will show the soft underbelly.

If the back side of this house were encased like the Safe House, it would be another matter altogether but for my money practicality and the point of having a hidden house is for it to remain hidden. Thus the backside should also be a hidden entrance, thus leaving multiple avenues of escape but still remaining unseen to the naked eye.

A hidden fortress would solve most of the raider issues of the Safe House but to be fully functional would have to have solar power, garden and water supply. Water and garden could potentially be inside. While the solar panels would have to be hidden somehow, possibly masked not hidden at all but rather masked as part of the power for a larger nearby town or factory would be my move. Giving any on looker a reasonable explanation for them to be there.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

If I had a million dollars

Well survivors some made it before I did, an almost perfect safe house. Of course the house, designed by KWK Promes has it's issues but in general it is an amazing start: and frankly, would you rather be in your current house or this when the end comes? Details on the house are easy to find so I won't go on about it too much here. Rather let us look at the house from a practical point of view and see what improvements must be made.

Solar panels and fenced in farm land make the house quite self sufficient. There is even room for a small vegetable garden on the roof should the fences be breached. Added improvements in this area though should include an indoor well and water filtration system, and a back-up generator. Because the biggest problem with this house is that if the power goes out it is nothing but glass between you and the zeds or worse you may be trapped inside the house with no way out.

The one side of the building with is a metal sheet instead of concrete could use reinforcement of some kind, perhaps bars on the inside of the wall while it is closed. And while the walls are closed there should be some back-up way out. Roof access with a rope ladder would even be enough. Ramparts on the roof would also had to defensibility. Raiders and gangs will want this place for their own and so zombies may be the least of the owner's threats. Being able to fight back from the roof will give the defenders some way to hold the raiders off instead of waiting for them to blow a hole in one of the doors. Or if they use any thought at all, bring a ladder and scale the walls; all while the owners are tucked inside unaware. To this end though, in addition to ramparts, the roof entrance and basement entrance (which I'll get to) should be booby-trapped.

While the house does have a panic room it does not have a basement. Many people argue for or against basements, and not just for zombie defence. I am in favor of basements. Basements are by no means the ideal place to make a stand but it is always good for the smart survivor to have another option. If you are being slowly driven back at least you know there is nothing in the basement to attack you from behind, where as making it outside (while preferable) may mean exposing yourself to more dangers then taking a last stand (snipers, attacks from multiple directions, losing the safe house and supplies, exposure to zombies, etc.) A basement is also the ideal place to store things like canned food, extra water, a generator, a well. Things that do not need to be used multiple times a day but only need to be accessed when they are actually needed. Extra ammo, weapons and tools can also be located here.  Not too mention in the event of a natural disaster the safest place to be, even in a safe house, is the basement. So my biggest complaint about this safe house is the lack of a basement, in favor of a swimming pool?

I don't know if the swimming pool was instead of other things but it is not top of the list for things needed. However it may be more useful then at first glance. A pool can help with fitness and fighting boredom to a great extent, definitely enough to make it worth while. If the water isn't salted or chlorine based it can also be used for additional water in emergencies. However I would pick many other things before inserting the pool, including any of the improvements I mention in this post.

Of course for a bigger group more space would be needed, perhaps a third floor or another section but for the most part I think this building is large enough to keep one or two families very safe after the fall. The interior is wide and mostly open, which means if anything manages to get in before the doors can close it will instantly be in a killing ground if the owners are positioned on the second floor to shoot down at cross angles. The bedrooms and panic room can also provide defensible positions if the number of enemies is large enough to swarm the main open areas. And that is basically my summary of the zombie safe house by KWK Promes.

UPDATE: Here's a little info for you would be "safe house" builders. I got in touch with KWK and the Safe House costs 3 million Euro. That's over 4.120 million Canadian or about 4.216 million American. So my title is obviously a little off.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Leaders or Vampires

Today fellow survivors I will tell you a story. This story is about a strange young man who knew he was somehow different from the masses. He was never accepting what he did was good enough and pushed himself for better. He was never accepting society was good enough and searched tirelessly for alternatives, for anything that wasn't within his realm of experience. This is when he uncovered the undead. At first just something curious, somewhat romantic, new and exciting: he studied everything but of particular interest were zombies and vampires.

Though some would say this was a morbid past time he became obsessed with zombies. Wondering where the myths came from and marvelling at the symbol yet never ending symbology surrounding them. A symbology that crossed over in importance but not meaning with many other undead. While zombies were the symbol of inevitable death, vampires were the symbol of never-ending life. One completely natural, the other completely impossible.

I will discuss what came of the young boys zombie interested near the end but first go in depth about one particular part of his vampire research, the extent of which could not be covered in a single post. Understand this boy was different, he would walk into a room and immediately change the feeling in the room depending on his mood. The number of people in the room didn't matter, 1 or 500 he could control the aura everyone felt. Control might be the wrong word because he didn't yet know how to control his own moods at that age but regardless whatever he felt or deeply wanted everyone else to feel, they would. The boy was often alone and enjoyed his own company more then any other but found he could not stand to be alone. He constantly searched for companionship and to physically be near others. This was because he could feed off their energy, he could feel what they felt, he could energize himself by draining them. Leaving the encounter stronger, more mentally alert and ready to take on the world while the other person or people would be left tired, weak and sad. These examples along with others, a natural dislike of the light for instance, or the amount of times he had been in situations he should have died but somehow his body didn't give up; fueled the boy in his search of the supernatural. The stories of vampire couldn't be true but there had to be truth in them. Suddenly he was approached.

One night the boy opened his e-mail like he did every night and there was a message from a girl he had never met and would never meet to his knowledge. She told him he was a vampire and gave him groups to research. He looked at the groups and saw nothing less then cults who worshiped "vampires" but they defined vampires differently then one would think of them. To these cults a vampire drank the life energy out of other people, just like the stories, had incredible powers (some the stories didn't even mention), but the big difference was these vampires didn't drink blood, they literally drank energy. One group dedicated itself to the research of this and how the original transcriptions in other languages the word blood is actually life. So when vampires drank, they drank life, not necessarily blood. These cults believed a vampire was a normal human who simply had this ability and could perform great feats through mental willpower. The cults said few people knew if they were a vampire but those who knew the signs could pick them out. And the boy had to admit he matched all the signs he could find mention of. He e-mailed the girl back for more information, she told him where to meet her and those who might become his guides. She mentioned that she hoped he might pick her.

The boy went to the meeting and found one of the strangest events he had ever encountered. While he came half full of wonder and half expecting a bunch of goth kids he was not prepared for what he was in store. Dozens of people dressed in the most elegant and at the same time the most sexually arousing clothing he'd ever seen. And they were beautiful. The ages ranged from as young as fifteen (or maybe younger) to early fifties at his best guess. Instantly you could see two classes of people in the room, those who were and those who weren't. The ones who were floated about as smoothly as if every step was taken to music, even though the only sound was of these people talking. They also dominated almost all of the speech, pausing only long enough for those around them to ask a question or make a compliment. And those around them? They were the others, they followed almost part bent over, obviously willing to kiss the ground at the command of one of the ones who were. They hung on every word said and jumped to every sight whim. But the thing that the boy noticed most, the moment he walked in, nothing changed. The room carried on as if he wasn't even there. Not a single person's aura shifted and no energy came to or left him.

He stood for a long time it seemed, days for all he knew, just watching. As he watched it seemed some of the ones who were had favorites among those who weren't. They got no less attention from the others but one would always be closest, one would always be running to get drinks or food or whatever, one would also be the ONLY one to ever touch the one who was. And the ones who didn't have favorites? They could only be described as having the time of their lives, like a beautiful woman with so many suitors trying to gain her hand. In fact that is exactly as the boy describes it. But it was men and women with men and women suitors. Finally (though it may have only been seconds) a woman walked up to him followed by her group and started speaking to him. The boy had never felt like this before, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen and easily ten years his senior, he felt like he wanted to be with her always, like she wanted to be with him, but at the same time his entire being told the boy that he was stronger then her. And as if she could read his thoughts the woman told him that he was one of the ones who was. The boy learned many things that night, some of which still haunt him but two things fought in his mind as he walked home with a list of e-mails, phone numbers and (probably fake he thought) names. One thing was that those who were, had everything. Whatever they wanted, they never had to work and they never had to strive, they simply had to make their wishes known. And the other thing was that each of the ones who were choose a partner to feed from, and would feed from that man or woman until he (or she) become nothing, simply broken and useless with no hope, will, energy or life left. This could take weeks or it could take years but it always happened and the one who was simply moved on to play with others and choose a new partner. Voluntary slavery. To use another person like that was wrong, it was evil, these people were the monsters they claimed to be and the worst part of it was, they accepted it.

The boy never e-mailed any of the e-mails, never called any of the numbers and never looked up any of the names. He turned his back on them because the chance to live an easy life and learn to harness this "power" was not worth making a slave out of another human being.

I tell you this story because the boy eventually learned to control his moods, control his energy and thus control the energy of the people around him. He began using this knowledge to try and better people instead of letting his own sorrow destroy those he wanted to be close to. Eventually he began bringing out the best in people and people actually wanted to be with him just so they could feel good and they couldn't explain why. Neither could he until even later. He eventually learned about leadership. What he had was not a supernatural power it was simply leadership. By the way he held himself and the energy he carried he could influence others, he was a natural leader but as he learned leadership can be both positive or negative.  Negative leaders can cause much more damage then if there was no leader at all but a good leader can make a group of people into an invincible team. The cults were simply people who had become such powerful leaders that they could use that leadership to sway the weak willed into doing anything and then they used that sway for their own gain. Leadership is not a position, rank or political standing. Leadership is the willpower and understanding to influence other people. Leadership comes naturally to some people and must be learned by others. And it is true most people will never reach the kind of leadership to influence 500 people or to make someone dedicate their entire life energy to you, but that does not mean it doesn't exist. Like with all things the levels of leadership are different for every person and if a person has just enough leadership to lead a group of a dozen people to safety and survival, then I'd say that person has just enough leadership to really be worth something: or to cause the deaths of those people, leadership is also a responsibility and one that can ever be taken lightly. Which is also why it needs to be taught and learnt by those who do use it for self-improvement, for enriching lives and ultimately after the fall, for surviving. Instead of being taught by those who would use it to create slaves.

The other research of the boy, the research that led to such a large interest in zombies. He eventually came across enough evidence that he could no longer doubt their existence so combined with zombies represented in society and ow culture and people reflected them, the study of zombies became one of the boy's passions and eventually led to him starting a blog dedicated to them.

Stay vigilant, may you never join a cult, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Skills: Spot check +2

I was recently challenged to look at my skill set and actually rate myself on my chances of survival in an outbreak (specifically a level 4 outbreak) and why. Before offering you my skill set I want to share an interesting quote with you that sums up my thoughts on the matter:

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."  by Robert Heinlein~ May 8, 1988 died while taking an afternoon nap

This is quite personal information so I put it forward as a tool to use to think about a list of skills you may have. Lists like these can be important in a pinch because it lets you know what areas you may need to focus on building up. It also shows you what skills you lack and either need to learn or find someone who has those skills and it also has you prepared to offer what you have to a group.

I think of it almost as a resume but remember it is mostly for yourself so it is important to be honest and look at areas that need growth. (Which I will do at the end.)

Training in ten martial art/close-quarters-combat styles
Six years of street fighting (unarmed, knifes, handguns)
Four years of firearms training (rifle, handgun and assault rifle)
Studied many forms of armed and unarmed combat and military tactics
Competence in speedball and paintball at a national level

Five years in Scouting and three years in Cadets
Lots of winter camping
Experience with ropes, lean-tos, lures, bait, fishing, traps, fires, boats.
A range of camping/solo wilderness survival experience.
First-aid: including experience re-setting major bones, dealing with hypothermia, exhaustion, large cuts, extreme blood loss, multiple fractures
Canadian Military Field first aid training
Standard Red Cross first aid training
Above average cooking experience
Small amount of construction experience (building and repairing houses/small buildings)
Small amount of mechanical experience (repairing cars and vans)
Some experience hunting small game/birds
Small amount of experience farming: both vegetables and animals (pigs, chickens, cows and horses)

Own and operate a small company
Working in higher levels of managing small teams in a national company
Constantly creating and producing new works
A spiritual and emotional stronghold and leader
Experience leading small groups from children to adults in various activities and situations
Small experience leading trained soldiers
Experience leading hundreds of campers for days at a time
Very personal and easy to work with
Large social network (can call in favors or skilled co-survivors)
Training in verbal defense and mental health first aid
Strength in setting and accomplishing useful goals either personally or for a group
Strong dream builder and goal achiever
Trained with business owners and multi-millionaires on personal development and growth

Basics of driving a large truck (non-practical)
Basics of flying a helicopter (non-practical)
Lots of experience with personal and small group boats
Competent swimmer
Extreme self-discipline
Some experience rappelling from helicopter and rooftop
Some experience free-running up buildings
Moderate experience scaling buildings and walls
Moderate skill at rock climbing
Can run at an average pace for 80 minutes
Can run at a very fast pace for 14 minutes
Can bench 135lbs.
Small amount of experience with welding
Small amount of experience with farm vehicles (driving and repairing)
Moderate experience horse riding (with saddle)
Small amount of experience with bypassing locks/obtaining vehicles
Large amount of experience entering buildings and areas unnoticed
Small amount of experience repairing and programing computers and video game consoles
Moderate amount of experience as a writer studying a varied range of topics
Very observant and careful listener

I believe I would have a moderate to high chance of survival given my wide range of skills. But of course the true point of this list is obvious, to look at places I have to improve still:
  • Experiencing other cultures and survival in climates other then the Canadian winter (-60 C with snow and winds) and summer (+20 C.)
  • Always more to learn about hand-to-hand combat.
  • Can always use more practise with different types of firearms.
  • Fast running time and physical strength.
  • Experience hunting, especially large/wild game.
  • My mechanical and construction experience, while it exists, is somewhat lacking.
  • My solo survival skills have not been tested in a long time.
  • Zero experience with large boats should be fixed.
  • Also zero experience with flying planes.

I believe my large amount of actual hands-on experience in dangerous situations and my calm nature and natural leadership skills will give me an edge when the inevitable occurs.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.


The key to survival is working together. This is a key element in many training material and survival guides, while being left out of many others.

To that end I present you with Die2Nite. A community based game of survival. The game takes about 5 minutes a day to play and while simple in it's gameplay the game is far more then it would seem. The complexities of a team of strangers working together to try to survive day after day while the undead continue to grow in numbers.

The zombies aren't perfect, they are killed by water (who knew) and only attack during the night (though they are around during the day.) Little things like these seem like they would cause issues but they end up just being accepted as so much would have to be after the fall. The true focus of the game is on working together; accepting that a person will not survive alone for long and the good of the group comes before selfish needs.

I give this zombie game a solid 5 bites. It will definitely infect you given the chance and kill you over and over and over.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

No need for zombies

Stem research. Type it into google and you will suddenly be overwhelmed with one of the most controversial topics around. With religious, conservative and pro-life groups fighting tooth and nail to keep the research down while medical researches, scientists and corporations see unlimited potential. Not hard to imagine something like this blowing out of control at any moment.
How does this relate? I'll lay it out. Stem research and neurogenesis can, in theory (and limited practise), regrow dead brain matter. But there is a fact everyone is too sadly aware of, everyone dies of cardiac arrest, when the blood no longer gets to the brain. So the moment a person is actually dead is the moment the brain shuts down and stops working. Lose of higher brain functions happens within moments. Lose of lower brain functions happens within minutes of this "true death." But there are labs looking in reanimation research and long life. These labs and research facilities exist all over the world but the amount of them in the United States is staggering.

However, there is a problem with stem cell research and neurogenesis, it only rebuilds the stem not the cortex. The stem is what controls lower brain functions: feeding, killing, mating, using the senses, the animal instincts. It does not control the things that make a person what we are, the soul if you will, but even if you won't: it doesn't control the high brain functions like emotions, personality, empathy, self-control, the humanity of man.

Seeing it yet? A man who doesn't make decisions, or if he does they are only based on what his body tells him he needs. Zombies? No. Soldiers? Maybe. Slaves? Definitely. How long until someone needs a mindless work force? Well the irony of that of course is North American governments already have one.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Make a zombie baby, look up zombie films and learn how the world will not end.

I appologize true survivors; I made three posts today to make up for the lack of posting lately. Blogger hadn't let my post on the 11th go through and yesterday I could not log on. So I am making up for it today. This post is a general post that will cover a couple of topics.

Creating a zombie baby!

Ever wanted to create your own horror doll? I sure haven't. But I'm guessing many of your have. Go here and check out the details. Explore your creative side while raising money for cancer, always a worthwhile goal in my mind. The zombie threat is enough to worry about without cancer making our numbers smaller before the true battle even begins.

Zombie movie site

Here is another zombie site worth looking at. Thssite is broken up into categories: Lore, Reviews, Upcoming Films and Miscellany. It's not the most indepth site or the mot up to date but if you want some info on zombie films it's as good as anywhere else to take a look. The lore section is need as he defines exctly what he looks for as a "zombie" and clearly lays out what makes a zombie that and not another monster. All other sections are exactly what you would expect. The library of reviews is a little lacking but not without merit and Miscellany section has an entertaining drinking game for those nights of revelry (remember not to loose your guard even then.)


I mentioned in another post I talked about H1Z1 and it's possiblity as a cause of zombie outbreaks. I mentioned this link. Which has been removed but here is a sample of what was on the page.

Further research into this also led me to an old youtube video which if you know me by now, know led me on a whole new set of research and conspricy trails. Fortunately there is nothing behind this ZAZ3... for now. The door can never fully be shut on any idea but this is a little far fetched to gain any credit on it's own and no other sources canbe found to back up the information. The normal bickering on forums and what-not about the video but no evidence, no solid theories as to the hows or whys, nothing from any government even showing a cover up. So this is either one of the greatest cover ups of all time or fake. And if the cover up is so great, would they really over look youtube? Other smaller video sites maybe, but pre-released trailer get taken off youtube in hours and this video has been up a long time without anyone bothering to get rid of it. No ZAZ3 is luckily just fiction, unlike the unknown horrors in level 3 and 4 biolabs.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Zombies in film: Zombiez

"They are dying to live."

Film: Zombiez
Directed by John Bacchus
Written by John Bacchus
Produced by Purgatory Blues LLC
Year: 2005
Story: There isn't one. Ok, um gang kills some people. Other people join a cult. Some people get trapped in a bulding with a guy with a meat cleaver. This girl is apparently the heroine. Gang is led by some rapper type guy who gives inspiring speaches. Girl kills gang leader.
Zombies: There aren't any.
Survival Lessons:
  • ...
  • ...don't get involved with gangs...
  • or cults?

Warnings: There are zero zombies in this movie. 

In the end this movie sucked. Not only was the movie itself almost incoherient in it's plot but the "zombies" were not zombies. How were they not zombies? 1. They weren't undead. 2. They talked. 3. They laughed. 4. They could be killed by stabing them. 5. They could feel fear. 6. They fought for a goal. 7. They used weapons. 8. They used fear tactics. 9. They kidnapped people. I could go on; suffice it to say these were not zombies, they were a gang. And apparently it's ok to introduce your main characer half way through the show and not explain 75% of what happens in the movie or to any other characters except for her. No it is not ok. This is a horrible movie from an audience or film maker point of view and frankly, isn't a zombie movie. The only reason I mention it on this blog is to steer you clear from it.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Zombie in film: La Horde

"You're a good guy. But we are here for a bloodbath."

Film: La Horde
Directed by Yannick Dahan and Benjamin Rocher
Written by Arnaud Bordas, Yannick Danan, Benjamin Rocher and Stephane Moissakis
Produced by Capture (The Flag) Films, Le Pecte, Coficup
Year: 2009
Story: Some corrupt and pretty useless cops (who feel a lot more like green mafia members) go for vengeance against a local gang. In the middle of the amateur raid gone wrong, something is going on outside. You can probably guess what. Suddenly a hostage the gang kill turns and attacks. With half the gang and the cops dead and now trying to eat those still alive a truce is formed. Lines are constantly being redrawn as an old soldier joins the group and people get separated or infected. As with with many zombie films the only reason any of the group survives is the constant saving by the BJC who in this case happens to be the gang's leader. The characters in this movie all start out very bland but as the movie continues and the lines between "good guys" and "bad guys", "cops" and "robbers" become blurred each character shows an actual personality instead of a stereotype.
Zombies: These guys are zombies, vicious, post-human monsters! They move with the speed of a normal person but no coordination. The infection seems to simply reach anyone who has died and does not spread solely through bites. Though bites do seem to seal the deal in causing eventual death for the victim.

Survival Lessons:
  • Not having a gun is no excuse.
  • Trust is valuable. The lines of trust are constantly changing.
  • Brutal, steadfast and reasonable are important leadership qualities.
  • If shooting them in the body doesn't work in the beginning, it won't work in the end.
  • A crazy old soldier is always an asset, just keep him under control.
  • Grenades cause bigger explosions then C4... apparently.

Warnings: The ones you can trust right now, may not be the ones you can trust in five minutes.

In the end this movie blew me away. It looked like a horrible, disappointing low budget film like the dozens I've been watching over the last couple months. Then on top of that I didn't realize it was a foreign film until I started watching it. And with these things making me ready for an awful movie, and the circumstances of the opening few scenes where the police (who I still thought were mafia well into the movie) did everything wrong, just enforced my believes. But as the movie kept going it got better and better, the ways the characters fought for survival, the high quality special effects, character growth, the horde! This movie had kept the low budget charm and risky nature but put out a high quality movie that really looks at group dynamics after the fall and how far trust should go.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Uncomfirmed Class 2: York, England

This dig site proves to be a little strange. Eighty dead bodies are found with a "high number" of decapitations. Many of the facts point toward the dead being gladiators: it was during Roman rule of England, one arm was stronger then the other, most of the bodies were male, there were animal sized bite marks, they were buried with honors.

Something just reads off. Possibly that there were no gladiator arenas in England as far as we know. Or that bite marks are simply large, not specifically from an animal. Or that this is the only graveyard of it's kind in York. Or that not all evidence was presented.

If Max Brooks was as accurate about the Romans as he was about the Egyptians, he states zombies were simply a way of life for the Romans. Just another thing to do on a daily check list: "Kill the dead." There are many myths and stories dating back from Rome about vampires, but they are assumed to be vampires, the Roman wording is always "the dead." Could zombies have been put in the arena against normal gladiators? There is one tradition in particular that seems to have been taken quite seriously by the Romans but has since past into myth. The tradition of which way the head was facing when a human sacrifice was made. If the head was facing up when killed the human was to go serve the gods and the body would be consumed by fire with honors. If the head was facing down, the person was being given to the dead and their body would be consumed by the dead. Fancy wording for something more mundane? Or a literal meaning all together?

The details breakdown-
Location: York, England
Time: 4 A.D.
Infected: 80+
Response: Possibly local or military.
Media Coverage: Very little.

My suggestion: It seems like there is little to go off of here but there often is. My main concern is the way the evidence is presented. It is quite clear not everything uncovered in and around the graveyard was given to the public and they really wanted to lead people toward believing it is a gladiator graveyard. I personally believe that's all it is, a gladiator graveyard to which we have not yet discovered the arena. But it does raise questions, including one about how common undead might have been in Rome. A question which demands tribute.

Stay vigilant, may the legions never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Class 2: Hierakonpolis, Egypt

It is no secret that Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide gets far too much attention and will get many people killed but there are a few things he gets right. And the fact he got this one leads me to believe he might deserve more credit then I give him, or he just got lucky. This interview however gives some very interesting insight on the theories behind the work.

In Egypt a very interesting discovery was made, what archaeologists believe to be in fact proof of zombies in humanity's history. The facts are pretty straight forward:
  • High numbers of headless bodies.
  • Images of walking dead.
  • Higher than normal marks for the beheading of normal humans.
  • Scratch marks on the insides of walls where corpses were kept.
  • Bite marks on corpses.
Previous cases of dig sites from the area have seen journals or even scientists gone missing after returning from digs. It is not hard for the mind to begin to imagine just why this information and these people were never heard from again.

And looking at the facts paints an all too clear picture. Egypt was known for having interesting styles of execution, some stolen by the Romans later on. These included: cruxifing, forced drinking of poison and most commonly burning. Beheading was the least favored way of execution in Egypt, so why so many headless corpses found at this place?

The beheading stone has images of headless walking men. Of Pharaohs' army marching to meet these headless men. All images tell stories, the story here is not that the men were headless, but that they were dead while walking and to defeat them the soldiers must remove their heads.

Twenty-one of the headless bodies were found with marks on their spines. Marks which indicate extreme force was needed to sever the spine, more so than that of a normal man. And to dismiss the idea that maybe these were burly soldier types, the twenty-one appear to have been both men and women ranging from 16 to 65. Odd to think a young, strong king or soldier would need that much force to sever the neck of a 65 year old women, unless she was something more resistant to death then a human.

Marks were found in the rooms where the bodies were kept, scratch marks. This could be many things. People put in the rooms to die with the corpses would be my first guess. But to leave scratch marks in stone requires a lot of effort and something stronger then finger nails. Now if I were trapped in a room of dead bodies, I won't be too happy but I wouldn't be scratching my figures down to the bones. Why die in even more pain? Or use the energy when I cold be trying to find another way out? But something that doesn't feel pain and wouldn't think to try to find another way out... well that mindless creature would scratch right to the bone.

Egypt was also not a cannibalistic nation, so the bite marks can be assumed to not be for that reason. Even if they were, as Max Brooks points out, all known cannibal tribes kill their victims before hand and use knives and other tools to prepare the meal, not eat right off the bone. Especially while the whole body is intact.

The details breakdown-
Location: Hierakonpolis, Egypt
Time: 3000 B.C.
Infected: 21+
Response: Military.
Media Coverage: Very little.

My suggestion: Looks at the signs. Not everything in this article reads completely true and some of it is tongue in cheek but the simple facts can't be denied. More and more archaeologists are discovering sites like this and beginning to wondering "what if?" Science does not disprove zombies, we simply have not discovered what causes them. And more and more evidence comes out that does point toward their prove. Be willing to stand against the crowd long enough to at least open your mind like these people who search for truths and ask "what if?"

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.