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Monday, January 24, 2011

Zombies in film: Edge of Darkness

"So many zombies to kill. So little time."

Film: Edge of Darkness

Directed by Blaine Cade and Jason Horton

Written by Blaine Cade and Jason Horton

Produced by Zapruter Productions

Story: ... well... you see... it's an anthology... sort of... this movie sucked. There are three stories going on. One about the anti-christ, one about vampires and one about a computer that sucks the life energy out of things. I tried to put some sort of reasoning to this, such as hidden messages about living computers, narrateing each other's lives, things that live off destroying life, it didn't work. Upon reading up on the writer he has admitted the story failed. So if you are looking for any reasoning behind this film just stop it. Nothing ever gets explained or makes sense and there is no set rules to the universe these three stories take place in. The one good thing I can say about this movie is the character attempting to go about their daily lives as if nothing had changed. For many people this will be the only way to coop but it will not help you survive. Priorities must change and daily events must always play second fiddle to safety and zombie removal.

Zombies: The only thing that brings these stories together (besides the narrator having his own completely unrelated story) is there are zombies outside. Now the zombies are... good... they are slow, dumb, killed by destryoing the head. But don't actually play a very important role in the film besides being a deterant to going outside. They don't appear to pose any sort of threat as long as you are inside a building and don't have the anti-christ drawing them to your location.

Survival Lessons:
  • Don't do gardening.
  • Set traps but always know where your traps are so you and fellow survivors don't get caught.
  • If your partner is simply a drain on resources and keepign you an unsafe location: lose him.

Warnings: This movie doesn't make sense. You've been warned!

In the end this movie looked good and had potential but turned out to be an experiment and a waste of time. Do yourself a favor and read Walking Dead instead.

Until next time, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate,
Mike D.

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