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Monday, June 6, 2011


Have you ever wondered just how effective certain weapons would actually be against zombies? One of my goals here at the ZLC has been to test weapons and tactics and bring the results to other survivors. Much like Mythbusters I want to present actual field tests or as close as can be safely simulated. And apparently I am not the only one.

These guys are taking everyday items and putting them to the test as a new youtube channel, ZombieGoBoom TV. Now it looks like they will be including: nunchucks, hammer, baseball bat, umbrella, hunting knife, soft drink, a package of lunch meat, ball point pen, guitar and with a line up like that I think we can expect a whole lot more to come. They plan to take these items and rate them based on type, size, weight, splatter rating and survival rating.

The first episode is all about baseball bats. Looking at the advantages of an aluminum bat versus a wooden bat. Now survivors I just want to do a quick little comparison myself: wooden bat breaks eventually, doesn't provide as much impact due to softer material. Aluminum bat, provides a faster swing with but isn't as heavy or carry as much crushing power. I have done no tests to prove these things but those are my first observations. Now ZombieGoBoom took two bats, did not tell us how heavy they were and used each to smash a coconut in ballistics gel. Then without giving any actual data collected. Made pretty close to the same statements I made above. Sadly while I expected a lot from these guys they did not deliver on this first video.

However these are not the first people to attempt this type of video however. Check out Zombie Command for example. Without making any major claims they simply state they will be testing weapons used in zombie movies against coconuts to simulate a zombie head. No promises of data collection or anything of that sort and thus when any information at all is given it is taken as extra instead of waiting for more. In this one video alone they test a straight blade knife, ball peen hammer, crowbar, kukri knife and chainsaw.

There are many videos out there of this nature. Looking at and determining if certain weapons are choice for killing zombies. No video series I've found so far has provided actual statistics and analytical data about if these weapons are actually useful or not. Sadly one of the differences between real survivors and many of these video makers is understanding there is more to killing zombies then just smashing heads.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

1 comment:

  1. Have you checked out They have created a target that actually bleeds. It is made out of plastic and paintballs to simulate an actual zombie. They also have videos on there exploring the damage done to the zombie after a certain quantity of a certain caliber of bullet. They also show the use of other methods, like a chainsaw and vehicle.
