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Saturday, June 23, 2012

A rose by any other name

The police call it bath salts. The girlfriend calls it voodoo. The internet calls it the zombie apocalypse. Media calls is cannibalism. No matter the name one thing is clear, all is not well in the state of Florida.

Now the third case of cannibalism in Florida, not counting the initial outbreak. The media is never `100% clear about these things and the only way we ever know something for sure is by experiencing it for ourselves. But the case of Charles Baker, looks just a little bit too much like a slow transformation to me.

No matter what it's called, bath salts, cocaine induced psychosis, zombie virus. No matter what the reason, synthetic drugs, aggressive mindset combined with heavy drugs, voodoo, re-animation. The fact is, there is a plague in Florida and it's spreading. In just three weeks since Rudy Eugene ate the face of Ronald Poppo, there have been three other incidents of cannibalism in Florida, the latest with Charles Baker eating part of Jeffery Blakes' arm before being tazed and shot with a stun gun multiple times before finally being taken down with physical force. It may not be the T-virus and they may not be the walking dead but whatever is happening down south is definitely not a freak accident and any drug that can turn a person into an extremely violent cannibal immune to pain is a zombie drug.

Those in the Florida area be exceedingly careful. Obviously things are being hidden here and there is a big puzzle piece missing. While it is possible this is all due to drugs or unrelated events, we know the media is not trust worthy when it comes to giving the whole truth.

On something a little closer to home, and a little more old news. Independent film makers in Edmonton are excited over our own possible zombie invasion. Good old DEdmonton is finally putting funds toward indy film in the city. This means more jobs for artists who are trained here, want to live here, but have to go to Vancouver or Toronto to get work. Over the past few years Edmonton has seen the largest EXPORT of educated youth in Canada. Most of these youth have been artists. All across the country the same story, went to Grant MacEwan or U of A but there's no jobs in Edmonton, Alberta doesn't support the arts. Well I won't say this is a cure all but it definitely helps take a step in the right direction. Edmonton has been known for it's heavy horror-cult community and now the city is finally standing proud behind the name DEdmonton instead of trying to shove it under the carpet. So on the off chance any Edmonton artists are reading this but haven't heard about the new funding, now might be the time to watch how things are going and if you're lucky grab a piece of the pie.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

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