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Monday, April 18, 2011

Interview with the internet's top zombie forum's leader

Well survivors I think it is valuable to stick together, nay it is invaluable. So here is an interview with a man who leads one of, if not, largest zombie survival forums on the internet. Mister Whaturmuva (Matt)

ZLC: What inspired you to start this forum?
Whaturmuva: My interest in what people would do during a ZPAW. It's just a hypothetical, but I enjoy examining human nature.

ZLC: How much work do you put into the forum to keep it in it's top ranking?
Whaturmuva: Next to none at this point. I know how to work the search engines well enough that I have gotten every site I have made to the top of google.

ZLC: Do you have a large team of admin to help you? If so have you actually met any of them or just online?
Whaturmuva: Nope, just me and one moderator. Have not met in real life but he seems like a pretty good guy. Overall the forum is fairly spam free and the members are all really great.

ZLC: There are lots of forums out there about zombies. What makes your's as awesome as it is?
Whaturmuva: It seems to be the largest of the very few that looks at zombies as a true possibility. Most just write them off and in every thread there is the "zombies can never exist" posters. Here we don't allow that type of behavior. To make it here one needs to expand their mind and really examine what is possible.

ZLC: Have you been Admin on any other forums?
Whaturmuva: Yes, I've made a variety of forums all which have gained a lot of popularity and high google rankings. I actually had another top zombie forum in the past but had to sell it due to life circumstances. The new owner seemed to have no passion for the site and it died just a few months later.

ZLC: So you're also running a zombie roleplay site. Do you have any experience with roleplaying games or play-by-post?
Whaturmuva: Can't say that I do. I created it for a member of the main forum and he had problems. Meanwhile the site got to the top of google but had no direction. Recently I have picked up a few users to start building it and I expect it to thrive very soon.

ZLC: There's also the zombie blog. How's the format for that site work? With multiple people contributing to it.
Whaturmuva: It really doesn't, the blog is fairly dead as I can't find anyone to contribute to it. I'd gladly let someone take it over if they want it but I haven't been able to find anyone who does. It's "Bloggers Wanted" is actually in my forum signature at all times :D

ZLC: Favorite zombie film and why?
Whaturmuva: Land of the Dead. It shows how humanity would survive in times after the world was already filled with zombies.

ZLC: Why a zombie forum and not a forum about something else awesome?
Whaturmuva: To make a forum thrive the admin must have interest in the subject. Zombies have held my interest for a long time and it just was a natural choice to go back to.

ZLC: Are you a true believer?
Whaturmuva: I don't believe there are any zombies on this planet at the moment. But I know this universe is ever expanding and we don't know a ton about it. I think it's a possibility just like anything else.

There you have. A true leader who believes all it takes is passion, knowledge and good people to get the job done.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

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