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Monday, May 2, 2011

Nanobots: the future of mankind or the end of it

At first glance this would seem like the least likely way for zombies to appear enmass, especially considering how long zombies have been around and this technology is only just picking up over the last dozen or so years. But I might be getting ahead of myself. What are nanobots? Nonobots are invisibly small robots designed to build or destroy anything by replicating themselves. Take a look at Deus Ex, it's not as unrealistic as some might believe. Nanobots are already being used to help with crops, replace blood cells, even fight cancer. It is quite easy for nanobots to travel around the body also as they tend to flow through the bloodstream. These little invisible robots hold an emense amount of potential: according to this paper, nanobots are the future of being able to cure death. The way it is suggested in the paper, if you don't want to read the whole thing, is that we can already freeze a body and stop it from "dying" and now combined with this research most damage to the body can be fixed. Now combine that with nanobot technology that can potentially rebuild the parts of the brain that made that person a person. Where could this go wrong? Note that rebuilding the brain would actually mean the nanobots making more nanobots to take the place of damaged brain material: tiny robots in your head controling you... yeah.

And how far off is this exactly? Well again, closer then you might think. Scientists have already stated computer technology cannot get any smaller or more advanced without going biological. And to that end these guys have already gone the extra mile and combined bacteria, elecronic circuits and gold to create Cellborg, the first living cyborg. I'm not sure if this is what the alchemists had in mind when they were experimenting with what gold could do.

So how is this zombies? The nanobots will eventually be a part of everyday life. At least enough that many people will have them in their bodies. What happens when those people die? The nanobots are designed to rebuild and replicate. Meaning they need to keep the host alive, this I'm sure your imagination can see already leads to many very bad scenarios. Now let's say the nanobots aren't very smart, they have only been programed to replicate using the energy given off by a living person. As already mentioned the nanobots travel through the blood stream, probably not hard for them to also get into saliva. To fulfil their programing and continue to replicate they need a living host, by biting the new host they will be able to transfer directly into the host's blood stream and continue the cycle. This might not even be a bad thing, except the human body naturally resists any foreign agent. So when the body fights back the nanobots will have to start destroying it in order to fulfil their purpose. Nanobots destroy the white blood cells and the parts of the brain that suggest resistance. The nanobots now have a new body from which to continue to spread.

How can we protect ourselves? Stay away from nanoaugmentaion until these concerns have been resolved. Build up a strong immune system. Pray scientists are smarter than they seem...
Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

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