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Friday, May 13, 2011

Zombies in film: Zombiez

"They are dying to live."

Film: Zombiez
Directed by John Bacchus
Written by John Bacchus
Produced by Purgatory Blues LLC
Year: 2005
Story: There isn't one. Ok, um gang kills some people. Other people join a cult. Some people get trapped in a bulding with a guy with a meat cleaver. This girl is apparently the heroine. Gang is led by some rapper type guy who gives inspiring speaches. Girl kills gang leader.
Zombies: There aren't any.
Survival Lessons:
  • ...
  • ...don't get involved with gangs...
  • or cults?

Warnings: There are zero zombies in this movie. 

In the end this movie sucked. Not only was the movie itself almost incoherient in it's plot but the "zombies" were not zombies. How were they not zombies? 1. They weren't undead. 2. They talked. 3. They laughed. 4. They could be killed by stabing them. 5. They could feel fear. 6. They fought for a goal. 7. They used weapons. 8. They used fear tactics. 9. They kidnapped people. I could go on; suffice it to say these were not zombies, they were a gang. And apparently it's ok to introduce your main characer half way through the show and not explain 75% of what happens in the movie or to any other characters except for her. No it is not ok. This is a horrible movie from an audience or film maker point of view and frankly, isn't a zombie movie. The only reason I mention it on this blog is to steer you clear from it.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

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