Resources found:

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A resource page is a zombie site of some worth to the beginner survivor. It is a site which more or less directs the reader to more information while providing the basics itself. As such the most useful page on this site is the Zombie Network. A page which gives a long list of other resources, all broken down by category. You have fan sites, communities, survival groups and general horror sites.

Another interesting thing about this website (though at all the only one that does this) is the community element. The blog portion is submitted by readers. This leads to a lot of good discoveries but can also have a lot of mixed or bad information included. Forums tend to give a better community opinion because it is easier to remember this is one person's view point and ideas, not a general authority on the matter.

There is also a shop very similar to the one here. In which you can find zombie related clothes, books etc.

ZombieHub also presents an area for readers to post their own reviews of books or movies as well as very good (i.e. relatively complete) lists of books, movies and video games which focus around zombies.

The site provides a break down of zombie types and categories that can more of less be skipped over. The categories are poorly put together as they are too specific and yet don't actually define the type of zombie. The same goes for the size of hordes they present. It is much more specific (and widely accepted) to go by the Outbreak system.

So while the information about zombies on the site itself is general and little more then a quick read. I do recommend this site for the purpose of continuing to find other sites, communities and to look for films or books on the matter. Just keep an open, yet cautious, mind when reading the blog section.


Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

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