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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Weapons research: it's for our protection

Looking as this cause is one of the scariest things to research and the rabbit hole is one of the deepest to be found anywhere. Even finding place to start is hard as the shroud around weapons research is thick and heavy.

Let us start where I started, by looking at if bioweapon research even happens? As I found, it does. It does not take far to look to see the number of level 3 and 4 bio-research labs growing at an ever increasing rate. Funding being put into countless new corporations raising up to build new and ever more dangerous chemicals and viruses. All in the name of "countermeasures." A word that is loosely thrown around to barely cover what lies beyond. Very little searching is needed to see the talk of "permitting emergency use of unapproved countermeasures." A quote coming from Project Bioshield, a project fully backed by the U.S. government and with legal-loopholes to take full advantages and funding without having to answer to anyone. Obama gives more money to programs like Bioshield in fear of an attack by the end of 2013 Programs who have no governing body to stop them from unsafe practises. The most that stands against these private corporations is groups which receive no support and are left to fade away or possibly be looked at as foolish.

How foolish however when looking at the opposition? Research on prolonging life through DNA modification. Not quite weapons research but simply another part of the winding trail such research has taken me on.

Going back to the trail of weapons research there is so much to say but it would all be simply repeating. The endless lines of labs in which safety is put to the wayside and viruses are constantly being accidentally released in one way or another. The theories of anthrax being created and set loose from one of these biolabs are not strange or unheard tales. Heads of security have admitted that the labs are far from secure and hinting that viruses being constructed in these labs are constantly being released, lost and insecure.

Flus are constantly being combined, entirely new viruses being synthetically created, and these are only the horrors we know about in level 3 labs. What lies behind the unsecured doors of the level 4 labs? The labs that are designed to handle bioweapons capable of destroying entire populations. Tens of thousands of these bioweapons exist and with only a word Project Bioshield can use any of them as an "unapproved countermeasure."

How easy it is for scientists to combine different strains like flu and HIV. How easy they change the DNA structure of viruses and parasites. Is it really that hard to imagine one of the viruses, proteins or parasites I've discussed being created in a lab somewhere to be used in an "emergency" as a countermeasure against "terrorists?" Military commanders hold strong that the easiest way to defeat a nation is simply to make it unable to fight. Sicken the civilians, weaken the populace and cause strain to the economy, these are old lessons taught by Sun Tzu. Teaching which now lead to development of weapons capable of destroying entire nations, and possibly spreading further. Possibly spreading beyond death. Possibly turning humans into weapons themselves.

Stay vigilant, may the infection never reach you, and those close to you have the resolve to do what is needed should you be so unfortunate, Mike D.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks iZombie. I just checked out your blog too. Your pictures are awesome!
